Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rx: Wednesday March 31st

Afternoon Session:
Rolling Thunder(~7#): 95/105/115/125/140
120ft Farmer's Walk: 105 x 3 trips, 155 x 2 trips,
155 x 30-60 second-hold

Axle Clean & Press: 83 x 3, 113 x 3, 153 x 3, 173 x 3
Continental Clean & Press: 173 x 1/1/1
Axle Split Clean & Press: 173 x 3/3
Clean & Jerk: 205 x 1/1/1

GHR: BW x 10, 40 x 6/8
GHD Sit Ups: BW x 20, 10 x 10, 15 x 10

*Working on the grip, getting ready for WA Strongest
Apple this June. I got a lot of work to do with the farmer's,
I gotta be able to handle about 250# in each hand. Fat bar
clean & press is not too bad, I feel that I just need to work
on the continental style some more. It will benefit me, when
my grip starts to fatigue. I feel pretty confident once I get it
into to press position. Glute-ham raises are getting stronger,
I'm starting to add some weight now that I can rep out 20.
Same with the GHD sit ups...adding resistance.

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