Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday Mid Morning

Face Pulls 4 sets of 10 reps
Push ups 4 sets of 10 reps

Bench Press 225lb for 1 rep
10 burpees
Bench press
9 burpess
all the way down to 1.

6. 47 was a good challenging workout....

Rx: Wednesday July 28th

Afternoon Session:
CTB Strict Pull Ups: 3 x 8
Facepulls: 70 x 12, 85 x 12, 100 x 10

Close Grip Bench: 135 x 5/5/5, 185 x 5,
205 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 3, 265 x 3
DB Incline Press(palms in): 65 x 12, 70 x 12,
75 x 12

20-Overhead Press(45#)
20-Push Ups(w/ hand release)
20-BTN Press(45#)
20-Close Grip Push Ups
20-Pull Ups
Rest 5 min then...
For Time: 7:45
20-12ft Wall Ball(20#)
Rest 2-3 minutes then...
20-Clean & Jerk(135#)
For Time: 2:54

800 M Run
500 M Row(5): 1:40

Rx: Tuesday July 27th

Evening Session:
KB Floor Press: 35 x 10, 40 x 10,
50 x 10, 55 x 10, 60 x 5, 70 x L-F/F/1,
KB Bottoms Up Clean & Press: 35 x 5,
40 x 5, 50 x L-F/F/F/1, R-1/1/1/1

30-20-10 reps
Overhead Snatch Grip Lunge(20kg)
15-10-5 reps

20-KB Swings RS(70#)
10-GHD Sit Ups

100-Bench Press(135#)
For Time: 6:49

Rest 20 min then...

Bench Press(cold/no warm up): 315 x 1

*100 reps of 135 lbs was hard, I was going for
3 minutes but was way too fatigued. Went back
to work and started to clean and Sniper told me
to load 3 plates on the bar when he was mopping.
He then put his mop down and proceeded to lift
3 plates with ease. My was the slowest
bench press ever, it took me more than 10 seconds.
"Well fuuck you...well alright!"

Tuesday Mid- Morning

225lb deadlift 15 reps
15 box jumps 24 in
25 pullups
3 Rounds 17.35

Hammer Curls 3 by 10 reps
Preacher curls 3 by 10 reps

Box jump 42 in 1/1/1 44in for 1 rep

Getting back to the basics......

Monday, July 26, 2010

Rx: Monday July 26th

Afternoon Session:

"CrossFit Total"

B. Lee
Back Squat: 315, 365, 385, 405-F
Overhead Press: 175-F, 175-F, 175
Deadlift: 422, 452, 472, 492-F
Total = 385 + 175 + 472 = 1032 lbs

Back Squat: 315, 335, 345
Overhead Press: 175, 180, 185
Deadlift: 422, 452, 472, 492
Total = 345 + 185 + 492 = 1022 lbs

Bench Press: 315 x 2
Close Grip Bench: 315 x 1
Clean & Jerk: 225 x 1
Power Cleans: 222 x 1/1

*Shiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! Max effort day for the CNS, beta-alanine and coffee
with kre-alkalyn is the super stack. The battle was close, I almost
had 405 lbs but had to dump it. Sniper hit a PR with 185 lbs on the
strict press and I finally won the battle with 175 lbs in my 3rd attempt,
thanks to some coaching from Sniper. Deadlifts were head to head
when we both hit 472 lbs but Sniper pulled away old school style with
5 wheels for the deadlift victory. The total was very close...B. Lee with
1032 lbs and Sniper with 1022 lbs. We weren't satisfied with that, we

had to finish it off with a 315 lb bench press. Sniper led off with an
single, then I sneaked in a clean double after. Sniper is
"READY" and he excepted
the challenge and also repped 2 more.
We both finished it off for one more
single with a close grip. I have
to say that this battle was pretty evenly matched,
I don't care who
won, it was a tie in my book. Look for the epic battle on video

soon on sniper performance and youtube, later!!!

Rx: Sunday July 25th

Late Evening Session:
Ghetto Interval Run: 2 long runs, 2 hill sprints,
~25 minutes
, rest 3-5 minutes x 4

"Burpee Freestyle"
21 RDS + 10-Burpees: ~12-16 minutes

*Did a hood run around the block with some
hill sprints. Came to the crib and freestyled some
burpees while listening to some music. Just did
sets of 7 to 3-4 songs. I ended up doing 157 burpees,
nice cardio!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rx: Saturday July 24th

Evening Session:
42" Box Squat Jumps: 3/3
45" Box Squat Jumps: 3/3
48" Box Squat Jumps: 2/2
50" Box Squat Jumps: 1/F/F

GHR: BW x 5, 10 x 5, 25 x 5
One Leg Back Extensions: 3 x 12
Knee Jumps: 5/5/5, 45 x 5
Pistols: 8 x 3 each, short rest

20-12ft Wall Ball(20#)
3 RDS, rest 20 seconds

Rest 60-90 seconds...

10-12ft Wall Ball(20#)
4 RDS, rest 20 seconds

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rx: Thursday July 22nd

Evening Session:
Wt Pull Ups: 30 x 5, 50 x 5/5/5
KB Floor Press: 40 x 8, 50 x 8, 55 x 6,
60 x 2/3/3
One Arm Shrugs: 65 x 8, 75 x 8, 85 x 8,
95 x 6, 105 x 5

Speed Bench + MM Bands: 155@9 x 3, 205 x 1
Overhead Press: 95 x 3, 135 x 10!
BB Row: 225 x 5/5, 275 x 5/3

Power CL & Push Press: 90kg x 8 singles, rest ~20 sec

20-GHD Sit Ups
20-KB Swings(55#)

*Felt good today, hit a PR with strict press at 135 x 10 reps.
It was after speed bench with MM bands, the bad tension
helped me with the lockout which I always have trouble.
Hopped on the power cleans & push pressing with 8 singles.
(I did someones PR 8 times with ease) Finished off the day
with a short met-con for the core and P-chain.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rx: Wednesday July 21st

Afternoon Session:
Speed Box Squats + Lt Bands(3-peg): 185@8 x 2

5-Power Snatch(135#)
10-Wall Ball(20#)
5 RDS For Time: 6:29

*Warmed up the CNS with banded box squats.
Power snatches felt good until the 3rd RD, then
it was straight muscle snatches. Good met-con

Rx: Tuesday July 20th

Evening Session:
Power Cleans: 95 x 3, 135 x 3, 155 x 3/3,
185 x 3, 205 x 1/1

3-Power Cleans(205#)
4-HSPU w/ Parallettes(2 plates)
7 RDS For Time: 17:57

Rest 1-2 minutes then...

40-Waiters Walk Lunge(45#)
30-Sit Ups
3 RDS For Time: 15:14 + 10 burpees

*Tried doing one of the CrossFit games event,
didn't have rings set up so used the parallettes.
I added the red & green plate to reduce the ROM
a bit. They were the toughest, I got stuck at the 5th
round for a few minutes. Then after it was one at a
time, power cleans were not too bad. Genti came in
when I was finishing and we did the other WOD together.
That was tough as well, waiter's lunges were shitty and
burpees are always fun!!

Rx: Monday July 19th

Cali Session:
Strict Pull Ups: 6 x 5
Bench Press: 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 155 x 3, 185 x 3,
205 x 3, 225 x 3, 275 x 2, 295 x 1, 315 x 1
Incline Press: 185 x 10, 205 x 5, 225 x 2

DB Row: 100 x 5/5/5
DB Shrugs: 100 x 8/8/8
Hammer Curl: 45 x 5/5/5
Close Grip Push Ups: 20/20/20

*Gotta bench on vacation...not bad for being hella
dehydrated and a lil hungover.

Tuesday Mid- Morning

Speed Bench: 4 sets of 185 of 3 reps, 225lb for 4 sets of 3 reps, followed by 275 for 3 reps, 305 for 1 rep. 225 rep out at 14 reps!!!
Incline DB bench: 3 sets of 8 reps @ 65lbs
Decline Machine: 3 sets of 10 reps
KB bottoms up floor press: 3 sets of 10 reps
Box Jumps: 10 x 1 reps of 42 in. From a sitting position.
BBall court run one length, do 5 burpees repeat 4 times. total 4 lengths and 20 burpees.

Strength is getting there, trying to incorporate a little conditioning everyday whether it is alot or a little. Just trying to get it in.....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday Morning

50 Pull ups
Iso Row 4 sets of 10 reps
DB Rows 3 sets of 8 reps
Lat Pulldown 3 sets of 10 reps
Hammer curls 50lb 3 sets of 10 reps

Later workout:

Power clean: 135x1, 145x 1, 155x1, 175x1, 195x1, 205x1, 221x1
Push ups: 60 total sets of ten in between PC's

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rx: Thursday July 15th

Afternoon Session:

5-Pull Ups
10-Push Ups
On the minute,
Every minute
For 30 minutes:

GHD Sit Ups: 10/10
Hang Power Cleans: 132 x 3, 152 x 3,
182 x 2, 202 x 1/1
Squat Cleans: 152 x 3, 182 x 3, 202 x 1,
246 x F/1
Clean & Jerk: 246 x 1 PR

*Second time doin Chelsea, she's a bitch
that will mind fuck you!! Felt good going past
20 minutes, the rest is just finishing what you
started. Squatting felt better, my legs were
conditioned for it. Must be the 20 rep back
squats. Push ups were easy and pull ups
were the warm up. Recovered the legs and
hit some cleans afterwards. I ended up hittin
a PR in the Clean & Jerk by 4 lbs, not bad after
getting a thrashing from Chelsea.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rx: Tuesday July 13th

Afternoon Session:
42" Box Squat Jumps(18" box): 5 x 3 jumps
Front Squats: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 5, 205 x 5,
225 x 5

20-Back Extensions

Waiter's Walk Lunge(45#): 3 x 20 steps, rest 30 seconds
GHD Sit Ups: 10-15-20 reps

Tuesday July 13th

Kettlebell Bench: 205lb 9 sets of 3 reps, followed by 295lb x2 reps
DB Flat bench: 100's for 8,5,5,5
Decline hammer strength: 3 sets of 10 reps
DB Rollbacks: 3 sets of 10 reps
Triceps pressdown: 3 sets of 10 reps
Hammer curls: 2 sets of 10 reps

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rx: Monday July 12th

Afternoon Session:
Landmind Rotations: 50/25/25
Single/Double Unders: skillwork

4-Speed Box Squats + Lt Bands(135#)
8-10 RDS

1-Power Clean(225#)
10-RDS (+Push Jerk on 10th RD)

Power Snatch: 135 x 5
Muscle Snatch: 135 x 1/1
Hang Power Snatch: 135 x 5
GHR: 10

Evening Session:
Incline Press: 135 x 3, 185 x 1, 225 x 1,
250 x 1, 265 x F
Close Grip Bench: 227 x 3, 277 x 4
DB Row: 105 x 3, 115 x 3, 125 x 3, 145 x 5,
100 x 20
DB Shrug: 100 x 8/8/8

Hammer Curls: 40 x 6, 50 x 6
One Arm DB Triceps Ext: 40 x 6, 50 x 1, 35 x 8
Muscle Snatch: 45 x 10/10/10
Triceps Pressdown: 80 x 8, 95 x 8
Facepulls: 2 x 10-12
DB Side Bends: 75 x 5, 100 x 5, 125 x 3

*Pure Beastmode with Sniper and Tre. PR
on incline press with 250 lbs. Tons of burpees
today which are always good, beasted 225 on
power cleans for 10 singles. Nice day, time to

Rx: Sunday July 11th

Evening Session:
Back Squats(low bar): 45 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10,
225 x 20!
Kip/Butterfly Pull Ups: 10 x 10, rest 30-60 seconds

*Haven't hit back squats since training for the Apple.
My quad is feeling 95% better and pain-free. I didn't
plan to 20 rep 225 but I said fuck it!! Then I topped it off
with a Giant German set of 10 x 10 pull ups using kipping
and butterfly technique.

Rx: Saturday July 10th

Evening Session:
200-Push Ups: 20/20/30/30/25/30/20/25
CoC#T,1.5, 2: multiple singles each
Pullparts: 5 x 20

Speed Deadlift: 268@3 x 1, 288@3 x 1,
318@6 x 1, 368@3 x 1
Kipping Pull Ups: 20

*Me and Sniper hit 200 push ups at the front
counter for fun. I got a nice pump from it. DL's
felt fast and explosive, my form is improving each
time I deadlift.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rx: Friday July 9th

Afternoon Session:
Close Grip Bench: 225@5 x 5
Incline Press: 185@4 x 5
Floor Press: 185@3 x 8

Dips: 3 x 10
Facepulls: 3 x 12
Parallette HSPU: 5 x 3, rest 60-90 seconds

*Hit up another bench session after speed bench
yesterday. Wasn't feeling too bad once I got the
juices flowin. The parallette HSPU were tough, the
ROM was increased compared to the ground version.
I did put a 45 & 25 bumper plate to decrease the range
a bit.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Afternoon

Deadlifts 9x3 @365lbs
Strict Press 3x5 105x5, 125x5, 135 x8
Split Jerks 225x1, 225x1, 225x3
Box Jumps 35in x 5, 35in x 5, 42in x 5
Rope Abs 3 sets of 12reps
Pull ups 3 sets of 5 reps
Shoulder Stability Super Series 2 sets of 10 reps

Workout with J beezy . Good training session very hot in the gym.

Rx: Thursday July 8th

Morning Session:
Kipping Pull Ups: 3 x 10
Seated Close Grip Row: 4 x 10
Rack Deadlift(below knee): 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5,
365 x 5
Iso-Lat Row: 3 x 12
Straight Arm Pulldown: 4 x 12

5-Hang Power Cleans(125#)
6-Pull Ups
7-Push Ups

10-GHD Sit Ups
20-Hip/Back Extensions

Evening Session:
Speed Bench + MM Bands: 135@9 x 3, 205 x 1
DB Incline Press: 65 x 8, 75 x 8, 85 x 5, 100 x F

DB Rollbacks: 35 x 8, 40 x 8/8
JM Press: 45 x 10/10
Mini + Monster Mini Band Pressdown: 3 x 8

KB Floor Press: 35 x 12, 50 x 8, 55 x 8
CTB Strict Pull Ups: 3 x 5
Kipping Pull Ups: 20

*Big day today, tons of upper back, lats and a shit
load of pull ups!!!! Ready for DOMS...1st week of 2nd wave,
now implementing monster mini bands with speed day.

Rx: Tuesday July 6th

Afternoon Session:
Lt Band Box Squats(3-peg): 135 x 4, 185 x 2, 225 x 1,
275 x 1, 315 x 1, 335 x 1, 365 x 1
Deadlifts: 405 x 10 singles, rest 30-60 seconds

Power Clean: 225 x 1/1/1, rest 30-60 seconds
Power Clean & Push Jerk: 225 x 1
Power Clean & Push Press: 225 x 1(failed PP)
Power Clean & Jerk: 225 x 1
Split Clean: 225 x 1

2 Hours Later:
~600 M Run
15-Sit Ups
~600 M Run

500 M Row: 1:59

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 1 Aug 7

Incline Bench: 185x5, 205x3, 225x3, 245x2, 255x1
Decline Bench: 225x5 for two sets, 275x 4, 300x2, 315x1
DB Flat Bench: 100's for 2 sets of 6 reps

200 Pushups

Went heavy today on bench, getting my strength back. Time to do work

Monday, July 5, 2010

Rx: Monday July 5th

Evening Session:
CTB Strict Pull Ups: 3 x 5
Pullparts: 5 x 10-12

MM Band Bench Press: 135 x 3, 185 x 1,
205 x 1, 225 x 1, 265 x 1, 275 x 1, 290 x F,
225 x 5, 135 x 14!(close grip)
DB Floor Press: 75 x 8, 80 x 8, 90 x 6

Mini Band Triceps Pressdown: 25 x 8, 30 x 8, 42.5 x 8
DB Row: 100 x 5, 125 x 5, 140 x 3, 150 x 2

One Arm DB Shrug: 50 x 15/15
Hammer Curls: 25 x 15/15
Facepulls: 2 x 12
Seated Row Scapula Retraction: 2 x 15

*Max Effort bench with Archuleta & Michaels. We added
monster mini bands to the bottom of the rack for that extra
acceleration and lockout power. Archuleta ended up hittin
up an easy 315, Michaels beasted 265 and I hit a hard
275. Could be an extra 50-80 lbs at the top but I'm not sure.
Bout to start a new 3-week wave with the monster mini bands
with our speed days on Thursdays, so we'll see how that improves
our bench press after the last wave.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps @50lbs
DB Roll backs: 3 sets of 12 reps @ 25lbs
Preacher curls: 3 sets of 8 reps
Hammer strength Tricep pressdown: 3 sets of 10
Cable rope curls: 3 sets of 7 reps
One arm cable tricep extensions: 3 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Rope pressdowns: 3 sets of 10 reps

700lb Tire Flip: 1 set of 4 reps, 1 sets of 3 reps.

Rx: Friday July 2nd

Evening Session:
GHR: 8/8, MM Band x 8
GHD Sit Ups: 10/10/10

Speed Deadlift: 275@3 x 1, 295@3 x 1,
315@9 x 1, 365 x 1, 385 x 1/1/1

12-15ft Rope Climb: 4 trips
Ring Dips: 10/10/10

10-Pull Ups
10-Ring Dips
10-Sit Ups
5 RDS for time: 7:52

Ring Dip-Holds: 3 x 30 seconds
Strict Chin Ups: 12!

*Feeling explosive with my pull. My deadlift
form is coming together. Just a few more
Max effort sessions and I should be close
to 5-hunsky! Oh yeah, that half Met-con
was awful, the ring dips were rough.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rx: Thursday July 1st

Evening Session:
Pull Parts: 3 x 15-20
10-Pull Ups
20-Back Squats(45#)

Speed Bench: 192@9 x 3, 247 x 1
Close Grip Floor Press: 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 5
275 x 3/3

BB Row(3-grips): 185 x 12/12/12
Hammer Curls: 40 x 5, 45 x 5, 50 x 5
DB Rollbacks: 30 x 8, 40 x 8, 50 x 8

10-Wall Ball(20#)
12-Eagle Sit Ups
15-Hip/Back Extension
3 RDS, rest 60 seconds

Wednesday Night

Kettlebell Bench: 205lb 7 sets of 3 reps followed by 295lb for 1.
Incline DB Press: 3 sets of 8 reps (palms in) @ 60lb followed by 80lbs for 5 reps
Triceps Rope Pressdowns: 3x12, followed by dropset
Decline Chest machine: 3x8
Face pulls: 3x10
Pushups: 3x10